An Inside Job with Rose

Psychic, Enlightened, or just a Weirdo?

Rose Monaco Season 3 Episode 2

In this episode, I share a little about my spiritual path.  Am I psychic, enlightened or just a weirdo?  Or maybe just a little of all of these.  

When you begin your spiritual path, you feel so many confusing emotions… fear, apprehension, excitement, and sometimes downright more confused than when you began!

Its all a part of this crazy ride called life!  Every week I will share and unravel more and more but in this one, I speak about some significant happenings where I realised something was different.  I wasn’t very religious growing up but I never could explain my visions with the mother Mary, she played a big part in my growing up.  I share about my first meditation group, and how the Angels orchestrated the teachers that came into my life and what I was to learn from them.

I come from an era where we never spoke about things like this or we would be looked down upon, but now, I feel like I can slowly let go of all that old stigma and just be me.  I hope you find parts in this next season that help you see aspects of yourself that have been waiting to find.

I hope you enjoy this episode!

I hope this helps you. Thank you for being here and supporting my work. 

Have a listen.


 Host: Rose Monaco - (

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